It’s helpful to think about what your life can be after therapy. Most people have surprising results from being in therapy with me. They find joy, peace and richness in their life in ways they never knew was possible for them. They tell me they wish they started sooner.

puppy with tilted head pose looking curious


Still, it can be hard to know when is the right time for you. It usually comes down to the moment when you just. can’t. do. this. anymore.

Going to therapy when you aren’t ready won’t give you the results you are hoping to find. Sometimes it takes a little longer to sort out our feelings before we can deal with them.

I recommend you start by taking the best care of YOU that you can. That means getting enough, quality sleep - usually 7 or 8 hours a night. And pay attention to the food you are consuming. Healthy eating doesn’t have to mean putting kale in every meal but it does mean choosing food that doesn’t have ingredients you can’t even pronounce. Small meals throughout the day may be what you need to keep your energy up. Diets high in sugar often lead to mood swings from the rush and crash that follows, making your already vulnerable emotions even harder to manage.

Pay attention to food that gives you the energy you need and the pleasure that makes life enjoyable. When you feel overwhelmed, drink a glass of water. When you feel able, savor connecting with the people you love. Move in gentle ways, not to counteract the food you eat, but to celebrate everything your amazing body is capable of.

Practice mindfulness. It is so easy to start small with mindfulness. Try this to get you started. Choose your favorite warm drink (mine is Black Currant Tea) and begin the preparations. Focus on the water filling the kettle, pay attention to the sound it makes splashing into it or the temperature of the fresh water. Listen to the sounds as the water heats up - does your kettle sing or perhaps your Keurig machine chugs a bit as it goes through it’s processes. When your beverage is made, take a deep breath in and inhale the delicious aroma. Wrap your hands around the warm cup and feel the comfort of it in your palms. Finally take your first sip - what does it really taste like? Keeping yourself in the moment enjoy every drop in your cup. You can use this same technique to bring your mind to any moment you choose, releasing anxiety and connecting to yourself.

What if you still aren’t sure if you are ready for therapy? But you want to be sure?

Set up an appointment for your free 20 minute consultation and we can talk about it. We can figure it out together.